21st Century Economic Development Education, Strategies & Solutions
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Government Meetings 

eventPower (formerly Technology Forums) has over 18 years of experience in producing conferences for the Federal Government and US Military. Our government events have ranged from 100 to 6000 attendees, 315 presenters, 28 simultaneous tracks and over 700 exhibit booths.
Monster can help you find the best jobs, employers and career advice.

When we recognize that we have a vast store of often untapped resources available to us, as well as all around us, it can certainly help us feel more happy, confident, secure and able to allow us to take action in our lives. We all too easily sometimes fall into the trap of believing that we have nothing to offer anyone in our lives.

This can lead many of us to sometimes be  
indecisive and put things off. Many of us 
procrastinate, until it's too late. One of our 
greatest fears (or greatest motivators!) can be imagining lying on our beds thinking 'if only.…'

Many of us know our inner and outer resources can give us greater stature and confidence to plan out ahead and take decisive action. Setting new and interesting goals for ourselves is vital to our happiness.

Inner and Outer Resources
One powerful source of our inner resources we 
often overlook is our values. These are ways of 
being that are important to us as we take action 
in the real world. We may value integrity, 
health, and efficiency for example.

What are your top 5 values? Once you know them 
they can help you achieve your life goals. If, 
for example, you value self discipline you can remind yourself of this when you find yourself putting things off or not doing what you said you were going to do.

Equally, you might have many external resources that you can call on. There are many people who have experience that would and can help you, people who might mentor or coach you if you asked them. What challenging tasks are you facing today? And what external resources do you have available to call upon? 

The Value of Courage
One of the important inner resources is courage - literally 'heart rage' - an inner power to take 
action aligned with every fiber of our being. 
 And, surprisingly, it is usually those actions that are for the benefit of others that bring forward our courage. Some of us seem to be more prepared to take risks to save others than we are to save our own lives. 

Can you access your own courage to make difficult decisions or take challenging actions to improve or help yourself to succeed beyond your wildest dreams?

Creating New and Interesting Goals
Many of the resources we have here on our 
website are important because they can help 
you in creating and achieving new and interesting goals as well as the simple strategies to put them 
into action.  Having new and interesting goals 
can definitely keep many of us growing and 
feeling much more alive, happy and content.

Many of us are naturally social animals with caring 
and compassion as well. So it is good for our happiness to be using many of the resources available to us and to be learning to take the right action, not just for ourselves, but for the benefit of others.

What new and interesting goals can you set for yourself that will keep you growing and happy?  What inner and outer resources will you draw on to take these goals through to successful completion?

We hope you will consider us and our website as 
one of those valuable resources.  We have made 
every effort and spent countless hours to 
make available in one place some of the most 
diverse websites with hundreds of links and resources.  We have done this so you do not have to spend hours on the internet trying to find them yourselves.  

We hope you will save us as one of your favorites and come back often as we continuously update this website with some of the most dynamic and useful linking resources for all of your economic development research.

We would also love to hear from you 
with any comments or suggestions or 
concerns you may have on how we 
may improve our site to help you in 
all your research and needs.  
Thank You for stopping by and we 
hope you come back often!
The Business Formation Experts
Freelancers Union has been advocating on independent 
workers' behalf since 1995, giving 
our members access to 
education, resources, community, benefits, and a political voice.
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You Will Not Be Disappointed! 
 The Solopreneur Life 
Passive Income 
Home Business
Founded on the Vision to Keep and Grow High Quality 
Customer Service Jobs, Right Here, in the United States.  
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